Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A few words for the end of the year & 2012, a prayer for everyone

So like most typical Americans I enjoy the holidays and then afterward I feel as though I need a resolution or a change. I guess sometimes I feel I get sucked into my dull routine, perhaps I spend to much time being distracted by TV or doing unproductive things on the Internet. So as I sit on my bed in the central Florida 70-something degree weather on Dec. 27th I make a silent goal for myself, to do less wasting time. 2012 is the year of change in the Watts house, of course most of the changing won't occur until 4-5 months in and continue throughout the year. But with Blessing from the Lord my savior, with his guidance & aid, this year will include me passing my classes successful the first time to lead to my graduation (aka pinning) on May 2, 2012, which should then be followed by taking & passing the boards on my first attempt & then getting my first nursing job somewhere in eastern TN so that I can make nice little home (rental most likely) for my husband & pets (aka kids) to join me and truly start off a new kind of life. Of course there could be a few more changes to occur after that, like replacing the Geo, making the official decision to start a family, start the process of my husband's career goal (aka school), and maybe even buying a house (only if the right opportunity came around, otherwise we can wait).
It seems like a lot but know God's will is what will be and I have faith & confidence in his direction for my life & my family's. So if you choose, send me prayers for my goals- particularly the graduating school & being a nurse one, since those are the earliest tasks at hand & will open more doors than I even know right now. God made me a giver & called me to be a nurse, with those 2 things I think I can really help some people in the world. For all my loved ones and those you read my blog I send you prayers for blessings & that your 2012 will be joyous & that you & yours can have great things in store like I may have.... Turn to the Lord for he loves you, forgives you, & only wants good things for you.....

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