Saturday, June 20, 2009


First... this is a photo of what I cooked for dinner the other night, it's not just any old lasagna but 2-sauce lasagna. Basic principle of lasagna, just add a couple layers of Alfredo sauce, so you have a tomato sauce and alfredo. I use a bit less alfredo compared to tomatoe because the garlicy alfredo sauce can over power the tomato flavor. I ended up freezing half of this because my small family couldn't eat it all. I also added some mushrooms into mine but spinach is also good.

(Anti-photos) is my husband and his newly Blue hair (done by me)., i was relaxing post errand running/pre-final with a fake cappicunno and flipped some channels to end up watching The Soup on E! I've seen this show before but am not a regular watcher. I have to admit although sometimes tasteless and could be considered offensive to some...this show is so funny. Truly an easy pick-me-up.

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