Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day... Let the countdown begin..

I got this at a fab christian store
My Valentines gift, dozen colorful roses
6 1/2 years ago I got married to Mr. Rob. I'm sure most people to celebrate the 1/2 years but since my husband chose our wedding date august 14th it just worked out perfectly with V day and just so you know, it wasn't on purpose. He originally picked the 12 or something but it was a weekday so we moved to the closest Saturday. So 6 months until 7 lovely years.
So every Monday now feels like countdown. At 1:30 I make the drive to the hospital to find a patient and the paperwork starts and essentially I have no real break or rest until I get home Tuesday afternoon (about 5). So my countdown starts when i wake up and ends at 1:30. I better have all i need done by Tuesday night (or Wednesday) by 1:00 Monday. After clinical I'm usually tired and half the time I have a headache. So there is never a guarantee of productivity....
On a good note I have finished my AA project and have basically planned to do my disease project on spring break and present it the following week (last week due). Next week is a whole big stress mess for me... mental health + test 2 + NG check off= lots of praying, nose in book, & stress!!! And oddly the order I have them is about the same way I'd rate the stress... escalating alittle bit with each event.
Right after a "mile marker" (big task completed) I always tell myself I'll get prepared sooner for the next or study more or whatever.... But as the test is almost a week away I still feel unprepared and NG... oh gosh so not ready. And i told myself I would go to school before the hospital today and practice but I've pretty much decided not to go since I don't really have prep work next Monday (for mental health) so I can go and study it Monday and I might even stay after class Friday and get in another practice.... Note to school: it would be most beneficial to have like 1 room available all the time because tues-thurs is basically unavailable for practice because of classes in the lab. And in 1 month I have injections (will also save practicing for spring break). And after that there is Sim-man day.... so somehow I have to plan time to teach myself trach care. But after that, there is a few weeks, maybe a month left and I think I can finally breath... The next 4-6 weeks are loaded with work. (and I didn't even mention 2 patients coming soon)
I know this is getting old but I would not be able to do any of this without God. So feel free to send a prayer for me, I'll be praying nightly, with a few early morning "please help me today lord" prayers. I truly believe this is the path God wants me to take and that after success I can spread the impact onto others.


  1. Wow Lee, you're just moving right along. Good job! I admire you.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. In nursing school you don't really have time to do anything, as soon as one thing is done you just have to start working on the next otherwise you might not make it. Each class feels like a 4 month mental marathon- the only break is sleep (and sometimes u have to skimp a little to get the work done... like i might have to do tonight..)
