Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day...

My spanish class was canceled because if the Inauguration. But i think my math class was still on. But since it was just a test for the county or school (non graded but would get 10 bonus points) and i would have had to wait 1 1/2 hours, I ditched. Yeah i feel sorta bad but I did a few errands and got home in time to see the inauguration. I would be just about to leave math now, but instead i'm going to get on through my day, starting with workin out (i had to buy some cheap jeans because several pair are too tight...not happy). I think i may have thyroid prob or maybe my birth control is causng the weight gain because I have gained weight and I don't really understand how I've put on that much....anyways...not my fav topic..................

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