Friday, November 25, 2011

2 cute stories about my dog Mr. Goo aka Zoey

Above: Zoey our 6 year old dog-child (this photo is a complete recreation)

So I, of course, had to do my drug store run yesterday (while the bird baked hehe). We picked up the free/nearly free items (another post to follow).

Yesterday evening my husband & I finally decorated our tree, we had on the new Ice Age Christmas special. Afterword we decided to get ready to head out to walmart in an attempt to get the "too good to be true" xbox games. When we walked back to our bedroom I stopped 2 feet before entering the room & gasped. Mr. Goo (above) had the Tiger in the bed with him. Note: this was not intended for him & it was laying in one of several plastic shopping bags on the floor next to the bed. And of course my gasp made him jump off the bed & go into his travel cage (it's like is time out spot) without even saying a word.

After we epically failed at walmart, we headed home. Like usual Zoey was in his cage when we arrived, we think he goes in it sometimes because of guiltiness due to something he got into. I didn't notice anything and he came out and laid in the bed as my husband & I changed into comfy clothes. A moment or so later, after my husband had went to his desk I saw Goo laying on the bed looking at me with his head down, kind of weird expression if you can imagine, so I went over to pet him because I thought he felt bad. As I move my hand towards his head I notice behind him is a green bag of Christmas M&M peanuts. Which as with Tiger, was in one of several plastic dogs. Note: this dog likes chocolate, although we do not, repeat DO NOT give it to me, one year he found a open box of chocolates in y mother's bedroom & nearly ate the whole thing- which caused him to vomit & us to call the vet & get a stat order of charcoal which we forced him to ingest so he wouldn't die. Also the bag of M&Ms was not open, did not have a any evidence that he tried to open it. More or less he just wanted to keep it.

So I guess our little Goo wants M&Ms & a tiger stuffed animal for Christmas. He really is a sweetheart.

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