Sunday, February 5, 2012

I will thank God no matter what the outcome...

Well if you've seen my recent posts then you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm preparing to tackle another hurdle or challenge. We are about a month into Nursing 5 & Pharmacology and it hasn't been too bad. The first week was a test, then week 2 hesi, then week 3 the beginning of clinical and week 4 the real deal of clinical and as week 5 begins tomorrow- the first exam for pharm. Am I ready? can you truly be ready? I have tried my best for the last week, especially last 2 days to study. It has been difficult, I have battled being induced into a sleepy fog but I did try. I've done practice questions and pharm chat, and review and flash cards. I even did some calculating to see what my worst case passing scenario would be.... if I maintain my case study average then it turns out I don't need A's to pass, however I'm aiming for that awesome A. Pharm might be a life long battle, with new drugs popping up every year and a vast amount of information that can applied to each individual drug. It I could know it all I'd be writing the Davis drug guide. So maybe I'll get a few more minutes of studying in tonight, maybe I'll wake up early for a review but come 10 am it will be up to me and the Lord above. For he is always with me despite the task. As the minutes gain close to that test time I try to pull myself together. To get into the mind set, to use my energies for less studying and more keeping calm, pushing out stress, and reassuring myself with faith, God's will or plan for me. I may not know how to perfectly recite many or any bible verses but I do know that With God All Things Are Possible....

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