Monday, August 1, 2011

Tomorrow = Final

So I've tried my best to spend the day studying, I admit there were quite a few breaks and I feel nearly at the end of my rope with studying. I just hope not enough rope to hang myself hehe....
I'm not going to say how many points I need to pass this class because I don't want to just skim by, I don't want to aim for 1 more point higher than I need. I want to exceed and do so well that I a smile so big it hurts on Wednesday, when I find out my grade. Nursing 3 is easy some say... it's not easy just some of the content is a little familar (especially if you have kids) or some of the content is personally interesting. I hope the Lord will shine through me tomorrow and bless me as he has in the past. I know that whatever happens in life is his Will (with or without understanding). So as I round down my night with a little God time, I'm going to put it in his hands, give him my fears and the power over my life. Of course I'm going to wake up a little early and study more, just review some points. Always aiming for my best. & hopefully that equals success! Send some prayers for me if you like, I'd gladly do the same for anyone. I'd love to say on Wednesday I have 8-9 months left of school....

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